Thursday, September 24, 2009

The End of the Season is Around the Corner

Hey All! We have had a CRAZY couple of months that involved having no internet connection or access to our computer files, so that's why we've been very remiss in updating the site and blog. So here's the latest and I'm so sorry we can't update the site too. We should be back up within a month or so.

Our last open weekend will be this coming one. Then we will be hosting the 4 Wheel'n with Feel'n rally on October 3. Then we close our doors for the season. We have a had a good run this year. Mid-summer was very slow, but business has picked back up nicely towards the end of summer and into fall.

On the personal front, we've moved off site so it has been a bigger challenge to be available when we are needed, but overall it has gone well. We are in temporary living right now, but soon will be moving to a new home in Rhinelander, closer to Jeremy's day job. The hour long commute is wearing us down and it is time for a change for our family.

But don't fear...we are not shutting down! (As the rumor mill may have suggested.) We will be open next year, most likely on Memorial Day. We will only open the trails certain weekends though. Since we are limiting the open days, please check the web site and blog for information. We should have those dates ironed out by the end of this calendar year. The campground is open anytime using self-registration.

If you want us to shoot you an e-mail when we have the dates, just send us an e-mail to Let us know you'd appreciate an e-mail when we set our open dates for next year and we'll get them to you.

Wishing you all a great Fall!!!

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